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Eldar Doomspell
Player ID: 208603
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Regeneration : 17
Energetic immunity : 45
Trade sense : 16
Briskness : 15
Initiative : 5
Defence : 39
Attack : 63
Power : 29
Luck : 5
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Darkness Principle = 359
Time Principle = 66
Element Principle = 4
Principle of Cyclicity = 6
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Battle stats
Won: 254 | Lost: 311
Honor: 3462
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Eldar elanessë,
once an orphan that was found to have rare attributes, 
became son of a druid,
a man with great ideals,
seeing himself as destined to change the way of seeing life,

once a powerful mage throughout the Forgotten realm,
possessed by a craving for knowledge,
lately experimenting with time and dark arts,
rather for the greater than the good,
in his attempt to deceive time,
he imprisoned himself in time,
inventing the spell of imprisonment,
he became the legend known as Eldar Doomspell,
doomed forever by being trapped in time,
emerged to this realm,
finding himself lying exhausted,
in the Paper cabin.

Waking up and realizing I can't even cast the most simplest spell known to me,
It soon comes to me that my spell must have worked,
but for what cost?
I immediately start searching for answers among the scrolls,
as I realize that whereever I'm or whats happened to me,
I need to continue what I started...
What time elapsed? Time. The question is time. 
*Eldar Doomspell laughs at his own thought as he exits the door*
Some of my creatures
Elemental IV Skill Vampire Esmaralda Chaos Archer Full-grown Winderwild Animated Tree III Master Lorerootian Archer Unholy Priest II Grasan Huvourer

Dumb people and Asslickers to begin with.

Page 88 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
SmartAlexRJ is preparing to do something very crazy...."Listen to me , i am your MASTER, I AM THE DRAGON MASTER!!" ... the crowd reacted as usual, "All Hail the Dragon Master!". Something very obvious that he didnt thought of before.. "I order you to ... take me on your arms and bring me outside this cave!" ..a long moment of silence....the swarms of tiny people start to walk towards SmartAlekRJ ... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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